What’s Coming Up
Join us as for Black Friday Hit Trax competitions!
Sign up as an individual and we'll place you on a team. Two teams of 4 (in each age bracket) will go head-to-head in a 7-inning game (one-hour session).
What is Hit Trax?
Hit Trax is the state-of-the-art training tool, which delivers powerful swing analytics. It also allows players to join in hitting competitions using any Big League ballpark as your playing field. Take your best swings and you can see the results in Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, Dodger Stadium or any other stadium. Huge fun!
$50 per player
Only 8 players per age group, so sign up today
The Complete Ballplayer (All-skills)
Ages 7 - 10
Coach Francis Byrne will lead this All-Skills class that will help your young player improve his hitting and his defense.
Thursdays at 4:00. Classes start on October 13 and run for 6 weeks.
6 weeks, $199
Building a Young Pitcher
Ages 8 - 10
Learning correct pitching mechanics leads to throwing more strikes with more velocity. And it helps protect young arms. Taught by Bash coach, Francis Byrne, this class is designed to give your young pitcher the building blocks to be a successful pitcher now and into the future.
Tuesdays at 4:00. Classes start on October 11 and run for 6 weeks.
6 weeks, $199
Building a Young Hitter
7 - 10 year olds, Maximum 6 students
Taught by Bash's most in-demand instructor, Miles Porter, this program teaches the mechanics of a proper swing and the techniques that make a good hitter. Instruction will include fundamental mechanics, body positioning, alignment, stance, grip and swing path, using live hitting drills and games. Boys and girls.
Mondays at 4:00. Classes start on October 10 and run for 6 weeks.
6 weeks: $199 per player
Fastpitch Softball Hitting Clinic
Lane Tech Head Coach, Samantha Nikolich will lead this clinic for girls ages 7 - 10.
Olympian Mitch Glasser Hitting Clinic
Don't miss this opportunity to meet and work on your hitting with the leading hitter on the Team Israel Olympic squad.
Instruction, fun and a Q&A session at the end. Bring something to autograph!
Live hitting vs. live pitching High School
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitting vs. live pitching 14U
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitters vs. live pitchers 12U
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitting vs. live pitching High School
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitting vs. live pitching 14U
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitters vs. live pitchers 12U
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitting vs. live pitching High School
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitting vs. live pitching 14U
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Live hitters vs. live pitchers 12U
Hit and pitch against players your age, to get essential game-like practice. Max 4 hitters/4 pitchers per hour.
Black Friday Pitching Clinic
9 – 13 year olds
Capacity very limited: Only 15 spots
Bash’s new favorite coach, George Karavidas will lead young pitchers in our afternoon pitching clinic. Learn the keys to throwing with velocity and command and doing it safely.
1 pm – 3 pm
$50.00 per player
Black Friday Hitting Clinic
9 – 13 year olds
Capacity very limited: Only 15 spots in each clinic
Hitting Clinic
Master instructor Jason Williams will lead the morning hitting clinic. A great way to get a jump on winter training.
10 am – noon
$50.00 per player
Pandemic Parenting Webinar
Over the summer it became apparent to us that many of the children in our camps and Sandlots were exhibiting troubling behavior that stood out as compared to our previous 14 years of experience. It is obvious that much of that behavior was related to the complete upheaval children are experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are very pleased and gratified that child psychologist and Bash member, Dr. John Frampton, has generously offered to conduct a webinar to give Bash parents like you some tools to use to help mitigate issues and potential issues in your children.
To register, click below. You will link to a Google calendar event -- just hit "save" at the
Dr. John Frampton is a co-founder of Formative Psychological Services, and is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in working with adolescents and adults with a variety of emotional and behavioral needs. Dr. Frampton has over 15 years of experience serving clients in private practice, school systems as a psychologist and building administrator, and as an instructor.
Building a Young Hitter
7 - 10 year olds, Maximum 6 students (the new normal…)
Taught by Bash's most in-demand instructor, George Karavidas, this program teaches the mechanics of a proper swing and the techniques that make a good hitter. Instruction will include fundamental mechanics, body positioning, alignment, stance, grip and swing path, using live hitting drills and games. Boys and girls.
6 weeks: $180 per player