Non-members can use BASH as a Guest. Cost is $60 for an hour (including City of Chicago 9% amusement tax).
Our members get first choice of cagetime, so we recommend that Guests call ahead to check availability on the day you wish to use our facility.
Guests must sign an online waiver and pay their guest fee upon entering the facility.
Guests who accompany members pay a $15 guest fee and can stay as long as the member is present. You must sign a waiver upon entering. Members who try to avoid paying for their Guests risk having their membership privileges revoked with no membership fee refund.
Non-Bash Coaches
Members who wish to bring in a coach who is not a Bash coach may do so, but that coach must pay a fee of $50/hour or $25/half hour.
Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Theft of equipment or vandalism will not be tolerated. Anyone caught stealing or destroying BASH property will automatically lose their privilege to use the facility. Participant(s) will be billed for the value of items stolen or vandalized.